Eating raw cookie dough is sometimes almost better than the cookies themselves. Now you do not have to feel guilty about eating cookie dough. This protein cookie dough is safe to eat unbaked and provides 6g protein per serving so grab a spoon and dig in!
- 2 T. (32g) peanut butter
- 1 T. (21g) agave nectar
- Splash vanilla extract
- Dash of salt
- 1 scoop (32g) Snickerdoodle Core MRP
- 1/6 cup (20g) oat flour
- 1 T. (14g) mini chocolate chips
- 1 T. unsweetened almond milk

Melt peanut butter and agave in microwave for 10 seconds. (Don’t do any longer otherwise chocolate chips will melt!) Add vanilla and salt, then stir until smooth. Add protein powder, oat flour and chocolate chips. Finally, add almond milk to mix into dough. Store in refrigerator (If you do not have oat flour, simply grind whole oats in food processor until it becomes a powder).

- Serving Size: 2 T. (29g)
- Servings: 4-5
- 138 calories
- 6g Fat
- 15g Carbohydrates
- 6g Protein