If you’ve taken BCAAs before, then you have probably heard somebody drone on about how they are unnecessary, how all their protein comes from dietary sources, and probably, how they raise their own pigs in the backyard for pork chops. That’s all great, and while we agree that whole food sources are the best, we also know that supplemental BCAAs can play a huge role in attaining your fitness goals. During a workout, before, or after, our 2:1:1 BCAAs are perfect for crafting a workout cocktail that is specific to you and your needs.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have been demonstrated to possess a wide range of physiological benefits, including cell signaling, regulation of protein synthesis and cell metabolism, hypertrophic growth and the mitigation or reduction of post-exercise muscle soreness. BCAAs themselves are considered essential amino acids, or EAAs, as the human body is not capable of synthesizing them. While leucine, isoleucine, and valine, have collectively been shown to regulate critical physiological processes in the body, leucine has been shown to have particularly direct effects on protein synthesis and tissue growth.