My hands were shaking, my heart racing, I could feel the energy of the crowd behind the curtains. The years of training and the months of dieting all coming down to this moment, I was nervous but eager to experience stepping on that stage for the first time. As I walk out onto the platform the tightness in my chest and in my stomach was released and I finally felt free. I was in my zone, my world; at that moment I found my passion.
When I Found my Passion
My name is Lauren Dannenmiller and I am one of the newest members to Core Nutritionals team. I’m originally from St. Petersburg Florida, but recently moved out to Colorado to pursue my bachelorsdegree in Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University. I competed in my first body building show in the summer of 2015 and received a nationally qualified position in the NPC bikini division. I am currently taking time off from the stage to learn and grow in all aspects.
After high school I maneuvered my way into the weight room and that’s whereI found mylove for the iron and the Crush It mentality. I always used to think that lifting weights was a manlything, but soon realized muscle on women shows discipline, work ethic and beauty. I was getting complements on my body and others were telling me that I was motivating them. I started helping a girl with an eating disorder build her metabolism and gain muscle. Every email I received from her made me feel so overjoyed inside. I wasn’t only helping her with her fitness, but I could see she was becoming more confident in herself. That’s when I realized I also enjoy helping and guiding others to accomplish their goals.
I’m eager to share how bodybuilding has changed my life in a positive way. Bodybuilding has made me into the confident, strong, and proud woman I am today. It has helped me learn so much about myself as a person and has taught me what patience, hard work, and consistency can achieve. Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t only improve your body, but your mind as well. Fitness has carried over to other aspects of my lifeincluding school and relationships.I want to empower women to train hard, eat well, andcrush it every day because anything is possible. My goal is to reach out to peopleto help educate and inspire. I want to keep this blog real and transparent to my life. Show you the positives and negatives: most importantly how I overcome adversity along the way. I am looking forward to making these blog posts and hope you enjoy reading them. More to come!