The Baby is Napping- At Home Work Out
This is a great at-home workout you can incorporate a couple days a week. This will get it done fast and efficiently even in your living room while you have a little time to yourself. If just getting back into working out I would recommend to do this 1 or 2 times a week but you can do this full body workout and work up to all 3 days a week with a rest or active rest day in-between. An active rest day example would be a brisk walk with the baby either in the front pack or in his/her stroller. I recommend doing this circuit as fast as you can with only taking rest when you need to. The equipment needed is dumbbells, ankle weights (optional), stability ball, and a yoga mat (optional) that’s all!
3 Day Full body workout at Home:
Day 1
- 20 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
- 20 Dumbbell Military Presses sitting on the Stability ball
- 20 seconds Mountain climbers
REST 30 Seconds
- 25 Goblet Squats using one Dumbbell- toes pointed out and squat past 90 degrees
- 10 (on each side) Plank Rows using Dumbbells
- 20 Dumb Bell thrusters (light weight as fast as you can)
REST 30 Seconds
- 20 Body Weight Reverse lunges
- 20 Chest Press Lying on the Stability Ball
- High knees- 15 each side
REST 30-60 seconds and REPEAT
- 15 on each side- Side Lunges using either body weight or dumbbells
- 20 Chest flys on Stability Ball
- 20 Butt kicks
- 15 Stability Ball Pull- ins or Ball knee tucks
- 20 Seated Stability Ball Triceps extensions using one dumbbell - keep back straight
- 10 Tuck jumps- try to land softly by bending at the knee and landing on the balls of the feet
- 30 Glute Donkey kicks using the Ankle weights (I have 5lbs ones and 10lb each ones)
- 15-20 Standing Bicep Curls- using dumbbells
- 10 Squat Jumps
REST 30-60 seconds and REPEAT
Day 3
- 15 Back Flys on the Stability Ball
- 20 walking lunges OR Alternating standing lunges (can use body weight or dumbbells)
- 15 Burpees
- 45 second Glute bridge hold (to make harder lift and extend leg- 30 seconds on each leg)
- 20 Dumbbell upright rows
- 10 Star jumps or 30 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Push ups
- 60 seconds Squat Hold at 90 degrees
- 10 Super Skaters (each side)
REST 30-60 seconds and REPEAT